Suffield Players Code of Conduct

All volunteers at the Suffield Players are expected to follow this Code of Conduct.  Contributing to our theater community assumes acceptance of these principles:

Take Responsibility for the impact of your conduct.  Intent refers to what you thought you were doing.  Impact refers to how that action was perceived by the other person.  Take ownership for unintended consequences of your actions regardless of your intentions.

Be Considerate.  You are part of a team.  Be considerate of how your actions or contributions affect others.  Remember to use basic manners, such as “please” and “thank you.”

Be Respectful.  Treat one another with respect.  Everyone can make a valuable contribution to the Suffield Players.  We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for being disagreeable or disrespectful.

Be Collaborative.  Be open to other ideas and perspectives, and express appreciation and gratitude for them.  Ask questions to understand others' points of view.  You can't avoid disagreements or differing views, but you can work to resolve them constructively.  Collaboration means open, timely communication and a commitment to keeping the team's progress going.  Check your emails and messages regularly and answer them promptly—even if it's "I'll get back to you."

Address Conflicts in a Healthy Manner.  Be honest, direct, and compassionate when talking with someone with whom you have a conflict.  Make conflict resolution a priority.  Don't let things fester.  Above all, avoid making conflicts personal.  Debate should never include putdowns or reference someone's nationality, gender, religion, or other personal characteristics.  If you are unsure of how to handle a conflict, ask for help.  Those who are asked should be responsive but can refer to someone other than themselves if unable to be helpful.

Be Considerate When Stepping Down from a Project.  People engaged in different projects come and go.  When you leave or disengage from the community, in whole or in part, we ask that you do so in a way that minimizes disruption to the theater.  Please tell someone (a Board Member or project manager) you will no longer be available for a certain project and take the proper steps to ensure that others can pick up where you leave off.

Be Considerate When Joining a Project or Committee.  The Suffield Players welcome new thoughts and ideas, with the expectation that past practices or policies will be respected even as they evolve.  New team members should be able to ask current members for guidance, context, and support without fear of rejection.

Be Honest.  Sometimes the hardest thing to say is "no" or admit you've forgotten to do something.  Be honest with each other and yourself regarding what you say and to what you can realistically commit.

Exercise Discretion and Confidentiality.  Depending on your role, you will be privy to various levels of information.  As a volunteer you are expected to keep confidences and minimize gossip.  Be mindful that you represent the Suffield Players with your words and actions.

Suffield Players Anti-Harassment Policy

Purpose and Policy:

The Suffield Players seeks to provide and ensure a safe environment, free from harassment and bullying.  All Volunteers will refrain from Bullying, Inappropriate Behavior, Unwelcome Attention, or Sexual Harassment.  Any Volunteer who violates the policy may be subject to Corrective Action.

The Suffield Players is a community theater with the emphasis on community.  This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Suffield Players Code of Conduct and, as stated in the Code, members are encouraged to talk with one another about anything that makes them uncomfortable.  The Policy is not meant as a substitute for communication, but as guidance should communication break down or not be feasible.

This Policy applies to all events related to The Suffield Players whether or not the events occur at Mapleton Hall.


Corrective Action Procedures:

The Suffield Players will review all Complaints with dignity and respect.  No Complaint should be minimized, explained away, or dismissed as a misunderstanding.  At the same time, a Respondent has the right to be notified of the Complaint and to have their response to the Complaint heard.

Any Volunteer with Authority who receives any Complaint will take immediate, appropriate and Corrective Action under Part I or Part II below.  The recipient of the Complaint, if not up to the task, may ask any other Volunteer with Authority to intervene.

Part I
The intent of this Part is to keep minor incidents minor.  If the conduct consisted of only occasional remarks or acts that are arguably offensive — those that fall under Bullying, Inappropriate Behavior, or single instances of Unwelcome AttentionCorrective Action may consist of no more than the recipient of the Complaint discussing the matter with Respondent, explaining why the conduct was inappropriate, and instructing Respondent that it should not continue.  A copy of the Anti-harassment Policy should be provided to Respondent at this time.  The recipient of the Complaint should follow-up with Complainant to discuss the Corrective Action taken.

Special note to the Members of the Board of Directors:
Board Members have a fiduciary duty to report all material facts to the Board.  Normally, if a Board Member received a Complaint, then the Complaint and the identities of those involved would be required to be reported to the Board.  If, however, a Part I incident is resolved by the Board Member to the satisfaction of all involved, then the adoption of this Anti-Harassment Policy is an explicit waiver of the fiduciary duty of that Board Member to inform the Board of the Complaint or those involved.  Again, the purpose of this waiver is to keep minor incidents minor.

Part II
If the conduct was more severe or pervasive or if it involved an individual who is a minor, it must be reported to the Board of Directors for immediate action.  “Severe or pervasive” conduct includes but is not limited to Retaliation, frequent Bullying, frequent Inappropriate Behavior, Unwelcome Attention, Sexual Harassment, or one or more previous Part I Complaints against Respondent.

While waiting for the Board of Directors to meet and decide the best course of action, the Volunteer with Authority who received the Complaint may, at their discretion, separate Complainant and Respondent by transferring or removing Respondent from further interaction with Complainant.  Other Volunteers and Volunteers with Authority are instructed to cooperate in implementing the transfer or removal.

Board Members are reminded of their fiduciary duty to avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest.  If a Board Member is a family member or close friend of Complainant or Respondent, then the Board Member should recuse themself from all material Board discussions, meetings, and communications relating to the Complaint.  Board Members should be mindful of any urge to shape the outcome of any Complaint — this urge likely is a signal that a conflict of interest is at work.  If in doubt, bring your concerns to your fellow Board Members for discussion.

When informed of a Complaint under this Part, the Board of Directors may meet in a special emergency meeting pursuant to the By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation, and any other binding documents or laws.  As an initial matter, the Board of Directors should:

  1. Meet as a “committee of the whole” to avoid having material facts recorded in the Board minutes.  Meeting as a “committee of the whole” is meant to keep the Complaint and the identities of those involved on a “need to know” basis;
  2. Appoint one or more Board Members as point of contact with Complainant and Respondent.  All communications between the Board and the parties should proceed only through these appointed Board Members; and
  3. If Respondent is not already aware of the details of Complaint, decide when and how to notify Respondent of those details.

The Board will then determine the best course of action, including but not limited to:

The Board of Directors will review Complaint as well as the results of any mediation or investigation and, at its sole discretion, decide the best Corrective Action, which may include dismissal of the Complaint with no action up to — for the most serious incidents — suspension or dismissal from Mapleton Hall, committees, productions, or the Board of Directors.  Complainant and Respondent will receive written notice of the Board’s decision.

Policy implementation:

This policy will be made available to all volunteers and directors with the Suffield Players including Board Members, Actors, Directors, Committee Members, and Crew.  The policy will be on the website and will be posted at Mapleton Hall.  Board Members will read and acknowledge receipt of this policy.  The Board or designee will establish a system for receiving and maintaining records of those acknowledgments.  From time to time, The Board of Directors may update this policy.

Updated: February 2024

Documents current as of 3-1-2024

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