A Year in the Death of Eddie Jester, February 2015
by T. Gregory Argall Costumes by Dawn McKay and cast
directed by Roger A. Ochs

Overview: Eddie Jester is a stand-up comic who was mugged after one of his shows.  Badly beaten, his comatose body lies in a hospital bed.

Eddie's spirit (Zach Gray) is audible/visible only to the audience, and he keeps up a running monologue about his progress.  His wife, Susan (Karen Balaska), pleads with his body to recover. Eddie's girlfriend, Jennifer (Amanda Marschall), also shows up at the hospital and meets Susan.
Max (Danny Viets), Eddie's agent, checks in with his main client. Oh, no!  Susan and Jennifer are bonding.  Could things get any worse?
Dr. Jimmy (Shaun O'Keefe) takes good care of Eddie, but he focuses most of his attention on Nurse Jayne (Jessica Burkavage). Well, it seems things can get worse.  Susan and Jennifer are both pregnant.
Don't get your hopes up.  Eddie's body (Tim Glynn) only pops up like that to introduce scene changes. Susan and Jennifer go into labor at the same time, and seem determined to take down Max with them.
Eddie continues to not improve, and Dr. Jimmy's relationship with Nurse Jayne deteriorates as well.  She quits and moves out of state. When the good (?) doctor tries to put the moves on new Nurse Heather (Nicole Murray), things go a little differently.

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