A Christmas Twist, December, 2016
written by ”The Illegitimate Players”
directed by Mary Fernandez-Sierra and Roger A. Ochs

A zany mash-up of two Charles Dickens tales, A Christmas Carol and Oliver Twist, performed with scripts in hand and using whatever materials we can find lying around the Hall.

A street somewhere in London.  In the center, Zach Gray as Mr. Bumble prepares to put Peter Zaitz as Tiny Twist to work as a pickpocket, surrounded by various Londonites.
Tiny Twist is sent to learn pocket-picking from Annie (Brianne Roberts) and Fagin (Allen Nott). Two carolers (Maryanna Hunter-Gasperini and Hannah Zaitz) get a donation from Bob Cratchit (Mark Proulx).
The carolers do not fare as well with Scrooge (Kelly Seip). The Cratchit household, with Michele Abbazia as Mrs. Cratchit (and Lisa Parker as the fireside hearth).
Scrooge is visited by The Ghost of Christmas Past (Lisa Parker), who shows him a lonely boy left at school (Micah Zaitz).
(Allen Nott, who isn't in this scene watches from the back.)
Later, she shows him Mr. Fuzzywig (Hannah Zaitz), young Scrooge's (Tyler Wolfson) employer. And later still: Scrooge's fiancée, Belle (Tina Sparkle), who turns out to be pregnant.
Later that night, The Ghost of Christmas Present (Mason Beiter) shows Scrooge the Cratchit's home. Scrooge also sees Fagin and Bumble, and learns of their murder plot.
Christmas morning, Scrooge is a changed man.  He visits the Cratchit's home. Fagin's plan is foiled  (You can almost hear him say "if it wasn't for you meddling Cratchits!")
The cast wishes the audience a merry Christmas.  L-r: Tyler Wolfson, Tina Sparkle, Mason Beiter, (in front) Maryanna Hunter Gasperini, Vanda Doyle, Peter Zaitz, Dana T. Ring, Michele Abbazia, Mark Proulx, Lisa Parker, Kelly Seip, Allen Nott, Micah Zaitz, Brianne Roberts, Hannah Zaitz, Zach Gray.

Jerry Zalewski Photos

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